Cherry Creek Dance (where Dorothy has dance lessons) offers many princess camps all summer long. I asked Dorothy if she would like to attend a princess camp to which she of course replies "yes, Ariel camp!!!" Well, much to her and later my dismay, Ariel camp was FULL!!! After telling her that, she began crying and begging to go to Ariel camp! All week I tried talking her into Belle camp or Cinderella camp but she held out. I decided by mid-summer I could have her all excited for Belle camp and went to sign her up. The owner of Cherry Creek dance after hearing Dorothy throw a fit about not going to Ariel camp, informed me they had opened a spot for her in Ariel camp!!! So Dorothy was able to achieve her life long dream of becoming a "true princess" at Ariel camp!!!

Her face paint after one of the days! They also painted nails, did make-up, fake eyelashes, glitter and everything a princess needs to look beautiful!!

Practicing for the recital at the end of camp!!

Grandma even came out to see Dorothy at Ariel camp!!

In case you thought this camp was a sham, we have a certificate to prove otherwise!!!